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Takeing a lesson?... You need stuff


Allow this page to help guide you in gathering materials for any lessons or classes. Please note, these materials are not exhaustive, and are just a preference of mine. 



I use Gamblin paint because it'd what I was recommended, and its a pretty good price point. Gamblin has a 1980 line that is for students. It works ok, but tends to be a bit runny comng out of the tube, so be prepared to sop up some excess oil.  To be honest, if I can't get the professional grade color I need, I make due with the 1980.

Colors I use

  • Titanium white 

  • Perylene red

  • Alizarin Crimson

  • Naples Orange 

  • Yellow Ochre

  • Titanium Buff

  • Cadmium yellow

  • Cadmium green 

  • Green gold

  • Viridian

  • Radiant blue 

  • Turquoise

  • Ultramarine blue

  •  Payne's grey 

  •  Chromatic black​

The Box

What the heck is a Poshad box? 

 My very first plein air workshop I showed up with a cheap $20 portable easle, a step ladder to put my pallette box and solvant can down on and a backpack full of paper towels, paint tubes and an apron. It's taken me a few variations to get what I like down. 

What type should I get if I want to paint outdoors ?

If you think you will be outdoors in various weather conditions, you will want to 2 part poshad box set up. This means a photography tripod and a poshad box that clicks in. I use a quick release attachement for the top of the tripod. 

After looking at what is currently available, I would suggest the JOILCAN Camera Tripod, 68" for $22.99

This PGYTECH Quick Release Plate for $31.00, and  what I think is the best design for the Poshad box is  this 11"x 14" U.GO Poshod Box. for $283.00. 


Additionally, you will need a carrier for your painting. I generally work on nothing bigger than a 9" x 12" oil panel, so soemthing that can hold anythign from a 5" x 6" to an 9" X 12" and a backpack to carry everything in. These Panel Buddy's are the most durable I've found.  You will need a backpack as well to cart everything. For this,  suggest a backpacker's pack. 



What type should I get if I'm going to do mostly studio work? 

This depends on what you need for your space. I used my Poshad box in my studio as a pallet because it allows me to put a lid on my paints to kind of preserve them until my next session, but you can also find a pallet box for this purpose as well. I have this Masterson Artist Palette Seal that works great.

If you want to have something that stores all your supplies at home and away, I'd go with an all in one approach with this VISWIN Portable Plein Air Easel at $158.00 its a good buy, but I would not recommend using the pallete portion. Instead use the pallette seal mentioned above. 

Other Stuff You Need 

  • Brush cleaner can

  • Solvant ( I use Gamblin Gamsol) 

  • shop towels 

  • Latex gloves 

  • Brushes (4)
    2 " flat brush
    14 flat brush
    10 flat brush
    0 script liner brush

  • Palette knife set 

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